DeKalb County District 4 Commissioner Steve Bradshaw will host his second Quarterly in the Fourth community breakfast meeting this year via Zoom on Saturday, July 25, from 9 to 11 a.m.
DeKalb County Police Chief Mirtha Ramos, county elections director Erica Hamilton, and DeKalb County department representatives will be available to respond to questions. Special guest speakers will provide an update on DeKalb County COVID-19 response.
The focus of the community meetings is to provide information and resources and to address the concerns of constituents.
“I am thrilled to be able to resume Quarterly in the Fourth Community meetings,” Commissioner Bradshaw said. “Although this upcoming meeting is a hybrid format in that we are not able to meet in person, I continue to design these meetings so that constituents have access to me and DeKalb County leadership so that we can provide relevant information. I enjoy opportunities to partner with constituents on the progress being made moving District 4 and DeKalb County forward. Being accessible to my constituents is critical to improving quality of life for DeKalb residence.”
The meeting will be conducted virtually via Zoom at https://dekalbcountyga.zoom.us/j/96240305286.
To join the meeting by phone, dial 602-333-0032. The conference code is 963998.
To join by Skype for Business, go to https://dekalbcountyga.zoom.us/skype/96240305286.