Gwinnett County is accepting applications for federal Housing and Urban Development Block grants from nonprofits and local governments through Thursday, May 27.
The county received approximately $4.4 million in Community Development Block Grants, about $1.7 million in HOME Investment Partnership Grants, and $376,000 in Emergency Solutions Grants. Grant funds are available for local nonprofits and governments that support affordable housing and the needs of Gwinnett’s homeless and low-income communities.
CDBG grants can cover the purchase of buildings by nonprofits and a wide range of construction uses including sidewalks, streets, parks and homeless shelters. Grant funds must benefit lower-income areas. CDBG grants can also be applied to job training programs, youth services and programs for seniors.
HOME Investment Partnership Grants must increase safe, decent and affordable housing opportunities for low-income households; expand the capacity of non-profit housing providers; and increase housing supportive services for targeted populations. Funding can be used for home construction, land acquisition, purchase and rehabilitation of single- or multi-family homes or helping tenants with rent. HOME grants require a 25 percent match from the awarded agency.
Emergency Solutions Grants are intended to offer housing choices to people who are homeless or facing eviction. The money can be used to support temporary emergency housing, eviction prevention, and assistance with moving into permanent housing. The grant requires a 100 percent match from the awarded agency.
The online application is available on at All applications and supporting documentation must be completed using the online portal before Thursday, May 27 at 5 p.m.