Author: On Common Ground News

DeKalb County Commissioner Larry Johnson’s 19th annual Tree of Love provided Christmas presents to more than 600 children from low-income families this year. The public “adopted” the children by picking a name from the Christmas tree at the Gallery at South DeKalb mall and went shopping for the kids. Johnson and volunteers collected the gifts and passed them out during a holiday program on Dec. 16 that included performances by the Lou Walker Senior Center and the Chapel Hill Middle School Steppers. Miss DeKalb County Sweetheart Addyson Riley also made an appearance at the program, which was held at the…

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Crawfordville Baptist Church in Conyers hosted a holiday party for children in the community on Dec. 16. The nonprofit, Women of Royalty, Class & Integrity, Inc., a benefactor of the Toys for Tots program, presented the giveaway. The mission of the women’s organization is to promote empowerment and enrichment of young firls and women from all walks of life. Volunteers donned Santa caps as they helped with the giveaway.

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In observance of Christmas Day on Monday, Dec. 25, garbage, recyclable materials and yard trimmings collection for residential customers will be based on a revised collection schedule as follows: Monday, Dec. 25 – Christmas Day observed; no collection service. Tuesday, Dec. 26 – Residential customers whose regularly scheduled collection day is Monday, Dec. 25, will be serviced on Tuesday, Dec. 26.  Wednesday, Dec. 27 – Residential customers whose regularly scheduled collection day is Tuesday, Dec. 26, will be serviced on Wednesday, Dec. 27. Thursday, Dec. 28 – Residential customers whose regularly scheduled collection day is Wednesday, Dec. 27, will be serviced…

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The historic Flat Rock Community Church in DeKalb County has appointed Charles Bennafield as its new senior pastor. Pastor Bennafield, who began his duties on Dec. 3, will be installed on Saturday, Jan. 6, 3 p.m., at the church, which is located at 4542 Evans Mill Road, in the city of Stonecrest. The new assignment will merge two congregations: the historic Flat Rock Community Church, where Bennafield had served for six years, and Crossroads Christian Community Church, which Pastor Bennafield launched in 1998. Flat Rock’s roots extend over a century and a half. The church was established in 1860. “I’m…

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The Lou Walker Senior Center African-American History Class invites the community to join its Kwanzaa celebration on Thursday, Dec. 28, at 2:30 p.m., at 2538 Panola Road, Stonecrest. The program includes cultural perfomances, the Kwanzaa candle lighting ceremony, music, poetry, spoken word, festive décor and food. For more information about the program, contact Dorothy Burwell, instructor of the Lou Walker Senior Center African-American History Class, at

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Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Technology (RMSST) seniors and student council leaders Bridgette Benefield, Madeline Burkey, Rachel Hill, Jestini Jordan, Jessica Kamuche, Asiah McWhorter, and Sydney Turner have successfully completed the National Student Council Student Leaders Program, earning national recognition as National Student Council Distinguished Student Leaders. Fewer than 900 students nation-wide achieved this highly sought-after honor. Sponsored by the National Student Council (NatStuCo) and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), the Student Leaders Program serves to: Give schools a tool to enhance and improve their efforts to develop student leaders. Challenge students…

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This morning, MARTA opened its annual holiday shop for the previously selected families of 3,000 children who were granted gifts for Christmas. Through its Charity Club, MARTA employees and ATU Local 732 raised more than $65,000 to provide the gifts to the families previously signed up for the giveaway. This 30-year tradition is an unforgettable experience for families in need of assistance. The gifts were distributed today in the first floor atrium at MARTA headquarters, located at 2424 Piedmont Road, N.E. MARTA Interim GM/CEO Elizabeth O’Neill joined Charity Club Chair Linda James and Executive Director Warren McMichael as they opened…

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DeKalb County Commissioner Larry Johnson will host his 4th Annual Random Acts of Kindness Bus Tour on Saturday, Dec. 23. Johnson and volunteers will board a bus at 8:40 a.m. from New Life Church Administration Building, 3592 Flat Shoals Roads. The team will deliver supplies to fire stations #20, #16, #7, #26, #6, #10, #4 and two women’s shelters. Johnson and the Heart of South DeKalb Inc. thanks Macy’s (South DeKalb) and Kroger (FlatShoals Parkway) for their continued support for this event.

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“The Republican tax bill passed today is historically unpopular legislation that benefits corporations and the top one percent of Americans at the expense of the middle-class and working families that Mr. Trump vowed to help during his campaign. Middle-class families, local schools, drug-treatment centers and other essential public services all stand to lose under this tax scam masquerading as reform, while real-estate millionaires like Mr. Trump will reap the benefits. By adding nearly $1.5 trillion to the debt, Republicans have put our nation’s health and our children’s future at risk, by slashing funding to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other…

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