DECATUR–The Beacon Hill Black Alliance for Human Rights plans to meet with City of Decatur officials to discuss the rash of racially-motivated incidents that have occurred in the City of Decatur over the past few weeks. The meeting will be heldon Friday, May 29, 10:30 a.m,. at City of Decatur City Hall, 509 N. McDonough Street, Decatur.
Last night(May 27), a video surfaced of a white Decatur High School student holding a toy gun and using racial slurs. Last month, several videos of white Decatur high school students using racial slurs were posted on social media. Two weeks ago, a group of white Decatur high school students went to black resident’s home and demanded that he come out to “deal with them like a man.”. the Alliance said in a statement.
“Members of the Black community are concerned for their safety in a climate where overt racism has become a constant reality. This is not a request to discuss the consequences of any one incident but a much deeper issue of how this City will confront and rid itself of white supremacy that breeds this behavior,” said Mawuli Mel Davis, Beacon Hill Co-Chair.