DeKalb County Commissioner Steve Bradshaw, who represents District 4, is seeking to fill two appointments: one on the county’s Animal Advisory Board and the other on the CATV Citizens Board.
Board members serve in an advisory capacity to the DeKalb County CEO and Board of Commissioners. Responsibilities of this board will include monitoring the master plan to ensure its implementation in the provision of professional practices including efficient service delivery and updated clean facilities. In addition, the board will serve as liaison to animal advocacy groups, animal professionals and County government for the purpose of creating a method for clear communication.
Board members advise the Board of Commissioners regarding the utilization and coordination of the CATV system’s facilities, equipment, and access channels which are made available for use by citizens, government, and educational institutions under the franchise ordinances granted by the County.
Those who are interested in serving should send a resume and statement of purpose to Alesia Brooks at adbrooks@dekalbcountyga.gov.