DeKalb County Commissioner Steve Bradshaw will begin his fourth year of “Quarterly in the Fourth” community breakfast meetings that will be held virtually for the foreseeable future.
“I have missed having in-person community meetings with constituents and I hope that at some point this year we will be able to resume these meetings at community-based locations,” Bradshaw said.
Bradshaw will host his first 2021 community breakfast meeting on Saturday, Jan. 23, via Zoom.
The focus of these community meetings is to provide residents with information and resources and to address the concerns of constituents. Department representatives also will be available to respond to questions and special guest speakers will provide an update and demonstration on new voting machines.
“In spite of the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges many of us have and are dealing with as a result, I am pleased with the outcomes of the 2020 Quarterly in the Fourth Community Breakfast meetings,” Bradshaw said. “Meeting with my constituents has provided me with an opportunity to hear their thoughts, concerns and ideas on how we can keep DeKalb County moving forward together.”
Quarterly in the Fourth meeting dates and Zoom are link below:
Jan. 23, April 17, July 24, and Oct. 23, from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
To join by internet, visit https://dekalbcountyga.zoom.us/j/88103891995. To join by phone, call 602-333-0032 or 888-270-9936 (toll free), and use conference code 963998.