DeKalb County District Attorney Sherry Boston announced today that she signed the order to dismiss the case against former DeKalb CEO Burrell Ellis. Attorney Dwight Thomas, part of Ellis’ legal team said that Boston “did the right thing. She did the honorable thing. It’s finally over.”
On Nov. 30, the Georgia Supreme Court overturned Ellis’ conviction. Ellis was reinstated and returned to office for a few weeks, ahead of Michael Thurmond’s installation as DeKalb’s CEO in January. He had been suspended from office since July 2013 after facing criminal charges for allegedly trying to extort campaign contributions from county vendors.
The jury found Ellis guilty in 2015 of attempted extortion and perjury. The Supreme Court, however, returned the case to DeKalb courts. Boston, who was elected as D.A. in November 2016, said she would review the case. Boston said at today’s press conference there was no need to seek a retrial. Watch today’s news conference