One of DeKalb County School District’s middle schools has claimed top honors in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
McNair Middle School’s eighth grade STEM team was named Team of the Year by the Museum of Aviation Foundation in Warner Robbins, Georgia for the 2017-2018 school year. The team—made up of teachers Clare Gravolet, Tonya Green, Robert Russo, and Athalia James—became the foundation’s choice on Aug. 2 in a contest open to all Georgia teachers.
As winners, the team will be awarded $1,000 at the 8th annual Georgia NASA STEM Conference on Aug. 25 at the Museum of Aviation in Warner Robbins.
STEM schools offer students access to such hands-on projects as robotics, aquaponics, a school garden, downhill racing, as well as face time with industry professionals, among other programs. In total, DCSD currently offers 26 STEM-certified schools districtwide.