Rockdale County Public Schools (RCPS) welcomed new Superintendent Dr. Terry Oatts, who was sworn in May 30, at a special called meeting by the Rockdale County Board of Education. Rockdale County Superior Court Judge Robert Mumford administered the oath of office.
A 24-year education veteran, Oatts most recently served as Assistant Superintendent of Student Achievement in Fayette County Public Schools, where he had worked since 2014. During his tenure in Fayette County, Oatts led the district’s development of a new five-year strategic plan and took the lead in the development of his district’s Strategic Waiver application, which was successfully approved by the State Board of Education. Additionally, Oatts, a state credentialed TKES/LKES Trainer, facilitated Fayette’s transition to the Teacher Leader Effectiveness evaluation system.
Oatts holds a B.S. degree in Communication Arts and three graduate degrees in education, all from Georgia Southern University. His doctoral degree is in Curriculum Studies with an emphasis in Educational Leadership. Oatts has authored several publications including two books, one on the achievement gap and one on the educational philosophy of W.E.B. Du Bois. The latter research was cited in the Journal of American History in 2004. Oatts also co-authored a widely disseminated article in 1999 in the Journal Education on the diagnostic disparities between ADHD and Conduct disorder involving African American adolescent males and their counterparts.
Oatts is married to, Yolanda Oatts, a middle school educator. They have three children.