By Orrin C. Hudson
Founder and CEO
Be Someone Inc.
Bad things happen when people stay on the sidelines and do nothing, we must make boss moves. This is one of those times.
As I watch the aftermath of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, I’m moved to raise my voice calling for peace and brotherhood. What you sincerely desire for your others will happen for you. I want and seek both justice and peace.
In my 6+ years of being a law enforcement officer, everyone I stopped -color mattered not – I treated like they were the most important person in the world because the good you do comes back to you, empathy is key. They made a mistake; I’ve made more than my share. I tell all my students who sit in my classroom, treat all people like it’s you and you will never err.
My heart bleeds both for George Floyd and his family but also for my country as we move through another rough time in our history. Charges… counter charges. Images from a variety of cities are numbing but remember, destruction is not the answer. Let’s be smart and make prudent decisions.
I teach making the right moves on the chess board and in life. Participating in mayhem is the wrong move. When we destroy property we are destroying livelihoods and hope. We need a vibrant community for our families. If we destroy our stores we all lose. We need win-win decision-making.
If you want real change, pause, ponder, pray, then speak with your VOTE! Violence won’t
change anything. Violence does not bring us together, it tears us apart. Remember:
- Real change comes through peace and prudent decisions.
- It’s OK to be angry but sin not… Pause, ponder, pray.
- I’m not my brother’s keeper, I’m my brother because what you sincerely want for others will happen to you.
- An eye for an eye…? An eye for an eye will make the world blind. Returning hurt with kindness makes the world a better place.
- Ever wonder how change really occurs? Make a positive difference within your own community.
This is what I say to destructive protesters: Find a better way to express your anger. Protesting is an inalienable right, recognized by the United States Constitution. Rioting is a crime. Burning buildings and looting is a crime. We are in this together and we will get through it together, legally and peacefully!
I leave you with one final thought straight from my heart. I love my fellow man and woman and I love my country. I have dedicated my life to service. I truly believe ours is the land of opportunity but it can always be better. Each of us has that responsibility to make it better both through thick and thin.
God bless America!
Orrin “Checkmate” Hudson is the founder and CEO
Of Be Someone Inc., a mentoring organization that teaches life skills to at-risk youths through the game of chess.