Rockdale County celebrates parade, drive-in graduation for the Class of 2020
Photo Essay By William Thomas
CONYERS—Rockdale County’s three high schools—Rockdale, Heritage and Salem High schools—held a joint celebration for the Classes of 2020 on Saturday, June 27. A motorcade with graduates and their families traveled from CJ Hicks Elementary School to First Baptist Church on Highway 138, where a drive-in graduation was held on the church’s campus. Practicing social distancing due to COVID-19 pandemic, seniors walked across an outdoor stage to receive their diplomas. La Donna Thomas and her husband, Terrance, who helped publicize the event, said they and other parents wanted to make sure the students were celebrated during one of the most important milestones in their lives. The couple’s daughter, Toree Thomas, soccer captain of Rockdale High School, was among the graduates celebrating the historic event. Schools across the nation have had to be creative in honoring their graduates due to social distancing and other mandates handed down to protect the public from exposure to the coronavirus.