Rockdale County Public Schools (RCPS) school social workers named Katy King, art teacher at Gen. Ray Davis Middle School, and the Bible Church of God—Atlanta in Conyers, led by Pastor William L. Robinson and First Lady Victoria Robinson, as the 2018 Laura Barnes Honorary Social Workers.
This is the 11th year of the award, which recognizes one person or organization in the community and one person in the school system for exemplifying the traits of a social worker in their tireless efforts to help the families of Rockdale County. The award is named in memory of beloved RCPS social worker, Laura Barnes, who passed away in 2012.
Katy King was honored for launching the Empty Bowls dinner fundraiser seven years ago at Ray Davis Middle School to fight hunger in the community. Ticket proceeds benefit Rockdale Emergency Relief’s food pantry. The event features a meal of soup, salad, and dessert donated by the school, local businesses, and local churches. Participants take home a handmade ceramic bowl created by art students to remind them of the “empty bowls” families face in the community.
Members of the Bible Church of God – Atlanta located in Conyers, led by Pastor William L. Robinson and First Lady Victoria Robinson, serve the community in a variety of ministry and outreach activities, including volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House and local assisted living facilities in Rockdale. The church has provided many meals, personal care kits, holiday assistance, temporary housing/shelter, and financial assistance to many RCPS students and families in need.