L-R: Darryl Andrews, Mayor Jason Lary, and Curtis Nelson
Each week, Darryl Andrews and Curtis Nelson show their pride for the city of Stonecrest by volunteering several times to pick up trash and litter in the city. The two retired veterans’ efforts have not gone unnoticed.
Recently, Mayor Jason Lary thanked Andrews, a retired U.S. Marine, and Nelson, a retired U.S. Navy veteran, as they filled bags of trash they had collected along Mall Parkway near Evans Mill Road.
“Who is going to invest in a dirty community?” Nelson demanded when asked why he volunteers. Nelson added that he wants the new city to grow and he’s doing his part to make sure that it’s attractive for residents, visitors and businesses.
Mayor Lary said the men’s source of pride is one that he hopes will take root and spread as the city builds a coalition of volunteers to keep Stonecrest beautiful. Anyone who is interested in volunteering for the city’s beautification efforts should call 770-224-0200 and ask for Code Enforcement.