Today, Nov. 7, 2023, is Election Day in Georgia. Polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Voters who live in several municipalities throughout the state will be electing council members and mayors whose terms are expiring.
There will be special elections/questions on the ballot for some voters like those in DeKalb County, who will be voting on EHOST(special tax to rollback property taxes for Homestead Exempt properties) and SPLOST II (Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, a 1-cent sales tax that provides funding for capitol projects such as roads, buildings and other long-term projects).
Voters must go to their assigned precinct. Please check before you head out to find out where you need to go at My Voter Page: My Voter Page provides all Georgia voters their assigned polling precinct, their voter record and other pertinent information needed.
“In Rockdale County, only voters who live within the city limits of Conyers will be voting and that is only for two districts. They will either go to Conyers First Baptist Church or Springfield Baptist Church. Voters will need to go to MY Voter Page to determine where to go,” said Rockdale County Elections Director Cynthia Willingham.
Voters in the City of Stonecrest, DeKalb’s largest city with more than 61,000 residents, will be electing a mayor and City Council members for District 2 and District 4. There are 13 polling precincts. Voters can find out where they need to go at My Voter Page:
Keisha L. Smith, executive director of DeKalb Voter Registration and Elections, reminds voters of the following:
- Bring the right things
- When you come to vote in person, be sure that you have: An acceptable photo ID, like a valid state or federal government-issued ID, student ID from a Georgia public college or university, or valid U.S. passport.
Your absentee ballot, if you decide to vote in-person instead
- Turn in your absentee ballot
- If you still have an absentee ballot, on Election Day you can bring it to the front desk of the Voter Registration and Elections office from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.
- Preview your ballot
- View the sample ballot to confirm that you know what you’re voting on.
“We’re looking forward to DeKalb County voters turning out on Election Day,” said Smith. “Local elections are so important and have the most direct impact on your everyday life. Make sure you vote in every election and come back to the polls for any applicable runoff elections.”