The Greater Lithonia Chamber of Commerce (GLCC) will host its Anniversary and Scholarship Gala on Thursday, Nov. 3, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the Lou Walker Senior Center, 2538 Panola Road, Lithonia.
GLCC and its president, State Rep. Doreen Carter, are elated to present two outstanding leaders who will speak at this year’s event: Keynote speaker Dr. Jabari Simama, president of Georgia Piedmont College, and special guest Whitney Ingram, the first black female to graduate from University of Georgia’s physics doctoral program. A graduate of DeKalb County schools (Stephenson High School, 2007), Ms. Ingram is among an elite group of scholars involved in physics: To date, there are only 89 black female Ph.d physicists in the U.S. living and dead. Students like Ms. Ingram are what motivated the Chamber to initiate this scholarship program.
“We know that there are many bright students in the DeKalb School District. We want to do our part in assisting them to further their education,” said Carter.
Last year, the Chamber surpassed its goal of providing four $500 scholarships at its inaugural event after an outpouring of generosity from those who attended the gala. The Chamber was able to present six additional scholarships for a total of 10 to students from Arabia Mountain High School, MLK Jr. High School and Lithonia High School.
It is our hope that the community will join the GLCC in supporting the gala, which will benefit deserving high school seniors in the Lithonia area. The semi-formal event will include dinner and dancing.
Sponsorship opportunities and tickets for the gala are available at For more information, contact: 770-482-1808.