ROCKDALE COUNTY, GA– The Board of Commissioners (BOC) is seeking individuals who are passionate about making a difference in the community to serve on the Keep Conyers-Rockdale Beautiful (KCRB) Council and the Rockdale County Water, Sewerage and Stormwater Advisory Council.
KCRB empowers citizens to make Conyers-Rockdale a cleaner, greener, and more thriving community through participation in recycling drives, cleanup events, and beautification programs. The KCRB Council is dedicated to encouraging and educating the public on litter prevention, beautification, and waste minimization, as well as fostering a personal responsibility among citizens to promote a community of good neighbors. The council consists of 12 seats appointed by the BOC, with four of the 12 seats to be recommended by the City of Conyers. Members serve 4-year terms.
The Rockdale Water, Sewerage and Stormwater Advisory Council is responsible for protecting one of the most valuable resources: water. This Advisory Council will serve as a recommending body to the Board of Commissioners concerning issues related to stormwater, water quality, environmental and natural resources. The Advisory Council consists of seven seats appointed by the BOC for 4-year terms.
Individuals interested in joining one of these volunteer councils are encouraged to visit to complete the volunteer application. They may also email Jennifer Rutledge, Executive Director of Government Affairs, to receive a volunteer application and for more information.