Public safety professionals from across DeKalb County were honored at the DeKalb County Police Department awards ceremony, which was held on Oct. 20.
The ceremony, held at Rehoboth Baptist Church, honored men and women who have performed heroic and extraordinary acts to protect and serve the citizens of DeKalb County. Assistant Police Chief Mike Yarbrough was one of the honorees. He received the certificate of merit.
“It’s not about me. It’s about the men and women of valor who represent our department so well,” said Yarbrough.
Yarbrough has been with the DeKalb Police Department for nearly 28 years. He has worked in the Special Operations Division, the Uniform Division and Criminal Investigations. Yarbrough currently leads the Special Services Division.
DeKalb County Chief of Police James Conroy said the certificate of merit is rarely given to merit staff members.
“Our expectations of our merit staff are very high but he has exceeded those expectations over and over again,” Chief Conroy said. “He deserves this honor.”
More than 70 officers, administrative staff and private citizens were honored at the ceremony.