ATLANTA — The Atlanta City Council approved legislation during its July 5 meeting to transfer $3.5 million from the general fund’s uncommitted fund balance to the City of Atlanta’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund in the Fiscal Year 2024 budget (23-O-1331). The $3.5 million will raise the total sum to $11.5 million or 1.5 percent of the general fund budget as outlined in the legislation that established the fund in 2021. The fund aims to secure recurring funding for establishing and maintaining affordable housing for low-income individuals and families in Atlanta.
Other items approved include: • An ordinance to amend the Fiscal Year 2024 general fund budget to authorize the chief financial officer to transfer appropriations from the non-departmental unrestricted reserves up to $3 million to address resurfacing and safety improvements in the City’s right of way (23-O-1334). The legislation also authorizes the chief financial officer to anticipate and appropriate interest income proceeds from the Series 2015 General Obligation Public Improvement Bond in an amount not to exceed $9 million for related projects.
• A resolution authorizing a project management agreement with the Upper Westside Community Improvement District pertaining to the Westside Paper Spur Trail Project (23-R-3754).
• A resolution urging the City of Atlanta to collaborate with metro Atlanta counties and corresponding health departments to identify additional funding to support access to abortion health services (23-R-3756).
• An ordinance to establish a retention incentive payment program for Fiscal Year 2024 to apply to certain City employees and to amend the Fiscal Year 2024 budget and other City fund budgets by transferring an amount not to exceed approximately $6.8 million to accounts identified by the chief financial officer (23-O-1338). The legislation aims to provide a $2,000 incentive and address current challenges related to recruiting and retaining employees.
• An ordinance authorizing a retention incentive payment agreement for all E911 employees employed as of July 1, 2023 for an amount not to exceed $2,500 (23-O-1328).
• A resolution granting authorization to allocate a maximum total of $500,000 to the Atlanta Police Foundation for the acquisition, installation, and ongoing maintenance of safety and security cameras to be strategically placed in District 9 (23-R-3760).
• An ordinance authorizing the City of Atlanta to acquire approximately 0.76 acres of property located along Benjamin E. Mays Drive from The Conservation Fund to expand West Manor Park in District 10 in an amount not to exceed approximately $387,000 (23-O-1330).
• A resolution authorizing the mayor or his designee to apply for and accept Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant funds in an amount not to exceed approximately $528,000 for the purpose of implementing energy efficiency and conservation programs in the City of Atlanta’s municipal building portfolio (23-R-3765).
• A resolution requesting the installation of traffic calming devices on Euclid Avenue NE between Benning Place NE and North Avenue NE (23-R-3763).
• A resolution requesting the installation of stop signs at the intersection of Euclid Avenue NE and Benning Place NE (23-R-3764).
• A resolution condemning antisemitism and recent demonstrations by neo-Nazis across the state. This item was an immediate consideration.
Proclamations and recognitions were presented in honor of Eunice Glover and Sistagraphy. Items were introduced for consideration in committee, including:
• An ordinance to establish the Atlanta Youth Council to provide advice, assistance, counsel, coordination, and other resources to enhance opportunities for youth development.
• A resolution urging the Atlanta Police Department to place reports of gender-affirming care at the lowest possible priority and that no City funds be utilized to record or investigate reports of hormone replacement therapy.
• A resolution urging the FDA to prioritize and increase enforcement actions against manufacturers and retailers of illegal disposable nicotine vapor products in kid-friendly flavors.
• An ordinance to grant authorization to enter into Housing Assistance Payment contracts with 949-953 Washington Street Apartments LLC in a total amount not to exceed approximately $253,000 and with 8 Vanira LLC in a total amount not to exceed approximately $370,000 to provide rental subsidies to accommodate low-income families under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program.
• An ordinance to amend the Fiscal Year 2023 Intergovernmental Grant Fund to increase the budget by an amount not to exceed approximately $620,000 for the City of Atlanta’s Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program to accommodate additional funding required for Housing Assistance Payment contracts.
• An ordinance to amend the Atlanta Code of Ordinances to create Subsection 30-87 to require that all service stations install video surveillance systems at each fuel pump and at each convenience store located at the station.
• A resolution expressing intent to change Confederate street names in the city of Atlanta based on recommendations received from the Advisory Committee on City of Atlanta Street names and Monuments Associated with the Confederacy pursuant to 17-R-4089.
Other items approved include: • An ordinance to amend the Fiscal Year 2024 general fund budget to authorize the chief financial officer to transfer appropriations from the non-departmental unrestricted reserves up to $3 million to address resurfacing and safety improvements in the City’s right of way (23-O-1334). The legislation also authorizes the chief financial officer to anticipate and appropriate interest income proceeds from the Series 2015 General Obligation Public Improvement Bond in an amount not to exceed $9 million for related projects.
• A resolution authorizing a project management agreement with the Upper Westside Community Improvement District pertaining to the Westside Paper Spur Trail Project (23-R-3754).
• A resolution urging the City of Atlanta to collaborate with metro Atlanta counties and corresponding health departments to identify additional funding to support access to abortion health services (23-R-3756).
• An ordinance to establish a retention incentive payment program for Fiscal Year 2024 to apply to certain City employees and to amend the Fiscal Year 2024 budget and other City fund budgets by transferring an amount not to exceed approximately $6.8 million to accounts identified by the chief financial officer (23-O-1338). The legislation aims to provide a $2,000 incentive and address current challenges related to recruiting and retaining employees.
• An ordinance authorizing a retention incentive payment agreement for all E911 employees employed as of July 1, 2023 for an amount not to exceed $2,500 (23-O-1328).
• A resolution granting authorization to allocate a maximum total of $500,000 to the Atlanta Police Foundation for the acquisition, installation, and ongoing maintenance of safety and security cameras to be strategically placed in District 9 (23-R-3760).
• An ordinance authorizing the City of Atlanta to acquire approximately 0.76 acres of property located along Benjamin E. Mays Drive from The Conservation Fund to expand West Manor Park in District 10 in an amount not to exceed approximately $387,000 (23-O-1330).
• A resolution authorizing the mayor or his designee to apply for and accept Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant funds in an amount not to exceed approximately $528,000 for the purpose of implementing energy efficiency and conservation programs in the City of Atlanta’s municipal building portfolio (23-R-3765).
• A resolution requesting the installation of traffic calming devices on Euclid Avenue NE between Benning Place NE and North Avenue NE (23-R-3763).
• A resolution requesting the installation of stop signs at the intersection of Euclid Avenue NE and Benning Place NE (23-R-3764).
• A resolution condemning antisemitism and recent demonstrations by neo-Nazis across the state. This item was an immediate consideration.
Proclamations and recognitions were presented in honor of Eunice Glover and Sistagraphy. Items were introduced for consideration in committee, including:
• An ordinance to establish the Atlanta Youth Council to provide advice, assistance, counsel, coordination, and other resources to enhance opportunities for youth development.
• A resolution urging the Atlanta Police Department to place reports of gender-affirming care at the lowest possible priority and that no City funds be utilized to record or investigate reports of hormone replacement therapy.
• A resolution urging the FDA to prioritize and increase enforcement actions against manufacturers and retailers of illegal disposable nicotine vapor products in kid-friendly flavors.
• An ordinance to grant authorization to enter into Housing Assistance Payment contracts with 949-953 Washington Street Apartments LLC in a total amount not to exceed approximately $253,000 and with 8 Vanira LLC in a total amount not to exceed approximately $370,000 to provide rental subsidies to accommodate low-income families under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program.
• An ordinance to amend the Fiscal Year 2023 Intergovernmental Grant Fund to increase the budget by an amount not to exceed approximately $620,000 for the City of Atlanta’s Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program to accommodate additional funding required for Housing Assistance Payment contracts.
• An ordinance to amend the Atlanta Code of Ordinances to create Subsection 30-87 to require that all service stations install video surveillance systems at each fuel pump and at each convenience store located at the station.
• A resolution expressing intent to change Confederate street names in the city of Atlanta based on recommendations received from the Advisory Committee on City of Atlanta Street names and Monuments Associated with the Confederacy pursuant to 17-R-4089.
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