Author: On Common Ground News
DeKalb County CEO Michael Thurmond presented his vision to commissioners on June 6 for ending deficit spending and building the county’s fund balance. “With the support of the Board of Commissioners, we will end deficit-driven budgets, encourage transparency, strengthen accountability and build a sustainable fund balance,” CEO Thurmond said. “I am committed to proposing a fiscal year 2018 budget that will eliminate deficit spending in DeKalb County.” The vision was presented in Thurmond’s overview of the proposed 2017 mid-year budget adjustment to the Board of Commissioners. “Deficit budgeting and inadequate fund balances have severely undermined our ability to plan and…
A Stone Mountain teen accused of assaulting his foster sister surrendered to the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office without incident and is now in custody at the DeKalb County Jail. Eighteen-year old Nathaniel Davonte Lopez is charged with three counts of felony aggravated assault and one count of felony battery in connection with an incident on June 6 at his mother’s home on Green Forest Drive in Stone Mountain. Warrants issued allege that Lopez argued with a female foster child who lived in the home and became involved in a physical confrontation that included assaulting her and shooting her twice with…
Nearly 20 individuals have been cited by the city of Conyers Police Marshal and are facing municipal hearings on July 12 for illegal dumping and abandoned junk vehicles in the city. Since early spring, the city’s Marshal has targeted cleanup efforts at the Conyers Exchange shopping center where dumping in the rear facing Old McDonough Highway has remained a problem. “Unfortunately, it is a problem that can begin with just one item tossed in the area then it seems an open invitation to dump more trash around it,” explained City Marshal Lieutenant Clay Ivey. “We have been constantly monitoring the…
Volunteers from The Home Depot and Park Pride teamed up recently with the DeKalb County Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs to enhance Little Creek Horse Farm. More than 150 volunteers completed projects that included repairing fences, removing debris and vegetation, constructing picnic tables and repairing wheelchair accessible ramps. Little Creek Horse Farm is a DeKalb County facility, which through a partnership with Little Creek Farm Conservancy, offers community equine education and safety programs. “The county is extremely grateful for the support and engagement from volunteers such as The Home Depot and Park Pride,” said Marvin Billups Jr., interim…
Effective July 1, Georgia Commercial Driver’s License will be changing as follows: For renewal of an 8-year term CDL, the fee will increase from $20 currently to $32, which equates to $4 per year, and is consistent with the current fee charged for renewal of an 8-year term non-commercial driver’s license. For initial issuance of an 8-year term CDL that does not require a road test, the fee will increase from $20 to $32, which equates to $4 per year, and is consistent with the current fee charged for an 8-year term non-commercial driver’s license. For initial…
The RockdaleNAACP awarded four Rockdale high school students $1,000 scholarships at its annual Freedom Fund Scholarship Banquet on Monday, June 5, at the Georgia International Horse Park in Conyers. The banquet is held annually as a means to raise funds for promising college-bound seniors in the Rockdale County School System. Students are required to submit an essay discussing career aspirations and community involvement. In addition to the essay, students are selected based on SAT scores and the ability to demonstrate financial need. “The scholarship is our way of giving back to the community and helping our young people. We…
ATLANTA—House Speaker David Ralston has named Rhonda Briggins, MARTA’s senior director of external affairs, to the House Commission on Transit Governance and Funding. Briggins, a DeKalb County resident, manages MARTA’s government affairs and community relations activities on federal, state and local levels. House Resolution 848, passed during this year’s session of the Georgia General Assembly, established a commission to study the conditions, needs and issues regarding Georgia transit. The council will provide transportation recommendations aimed at benefiting Georgia’s local and regional economy. Transit studies, generated from the commission’s activities, will also review potential funding mechanisms. ‘This is an amazing opportunity…
Rockdale County officials recently saluted National EMS for providing emergency care to the North Georgia region for more than 40 years. The Rockdale Board of Commissioners (BOC) presented a proclamation to the company declaring June 6 as National EMS Recognition Day. Rockdale Commissioner Sherri Washington, Post 1, was joined by BOC Chairman Oz Nesbitt and Commissioner Doreen Williams, Post 2, in reading the proclamation during the board’s work session. Benny Atkins accepted the proclamation on behalf of the family-owned business, which was founded by his parents, Pat and Mary Ellen Atkins. The Atkins started operating the business from their…
I want to speak with you briefly about the hand, the head, and the heart. Your instructors have made sure that your course of study has been hands-on and practical. We have no doubt that you are skilled of the hand. So, when you accept a job as a certified nurse assistant, for example, I know your hands will be healing hands. I know you will be skillful in what you do, but don’t be satisfied with just getting a job–always strive to be the best. Let your job propel you into a career that sustains you and your loved…
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? You are a child of God….” —Marianne Williamson This excerpt has always stood out to me as a beacon of light and truthfulness. This poem has always been something that gives me hope and hope for my surroundings. I tell my boys often that everybody has something special on…