Author: On Common Ground News

The Concerned Citizens of Stonecrest is hosting an Election Focus Study and mock election on Wednesday, March 8, 6 p.m., at the Stonecrest Library, 3123 Klondike Road, Lithonia. Organizers say the event is not a debate or meet-and-greet with the candidates but rather an opportunity for Stonecrest residents to express their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes on a number of topics of concern. A moderator will ask the audience to share their views on public safety and education, parks and recreation, code enforcement, economic development and other topics as they relate to the new city. The audience will also participate…

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Atlanta   Daffodil Day at Oakland Cemetery  In partnership with the Georgia Daffodil Society, Historic Oakland Foundation presents the third annual Daffodil Day, a celebration of spring’s ubiquitous bloom, on Saturday, March 11, 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Oakland Cemetery, 248 Oakland Ave, SE, Atlanta. Enjoy a day in Oakland’s Victorian gardens with guided walks, garden presentations, a cut flower display, dialogue with local daffodil and gardens experts, a plant sale, book signing, children’s activities, and more. Daffodil Day is free and open to the public. Proceeds from Daffodil Day’s plant sale and related activities benefit Historic Oakland Foundation’s gardens…

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A food drive hosted by several DeKalb County officials collected nearly 3.5 tons of food, a “ton” more than previous years. “The level of participation in this year’s canned food drive was incredible and the community really stepped up to help tackle food insecurity in DeKalb. I’m pleased to report our collaborative efforts collected enough food for 5855 meals,” said DeKalb Commissioner Kathie Gannon. Gannon kicked off the month-long food drive in January, partnering with District Attorney Sherry Boston, Solicitor Donna Coleman-Stribling, Superior Court Clerk Debra DeBerry, Tax Commissioner Irvin Johnson, State Court Clerk Melanie Wilson, as well as, DeKalb’s senior…

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The DeKalb History Center will present its next Lunch and Learn on Tuesday, March 21, noon to 1 p.m., 101 E. Court Square, Decatur (second floor, Superior Courtroom). The center will celebrate its 70th anniversary that day by sharing the history of the organization itself. Learn about DHC’s 70 years of growth from a small local historical society that started with 23 members to become the largest repository of DeKalb County history with archival and collections facilities, programs, and exhibits striving to reflect the full cultural history of the county. DeKalb has transitioned from an agricultural economy based around farms,…

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The DeKalb County Sanitation Division will host a biannual household hazardous waste recycling event on Saturday, March 25, 8 a.m. – noon, at the Sanitation Division’s Central Transfer Station, 3720 Leroy Scott Drive, Decatur. The event, sponsored by the DeKalb County Sanitation Division in partnership with MXI Environmental Services LLC, offers event participants an opportunity to properly dispose of dangerous household chemicals that are no longer in use. Hazardous materials such as aerosols, batteries, adhesives, flammables, lawn care products, fluorescent light bulbs, photo chemicals, artist supplies, paint and paint-related products will be accepted. Items such as agricultural waste, ammunition, pharmaceuticals,…

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All three Rockdale County Public Schools (RCPS) high schools – Heritage, Rockdale County and Salem – were named 2017 Advanced Placement (AP) Honor Schools by State School Superintendent Richard Woods, a distinction the schools have achieved for more than seven consecutive years. “Advanced Placement coursework provides the highest level of rigor in addition to the opportunity to earn college credit while in high school,” said RCPS Superintendent Richard Autry. “I am proud of our teachers, students and administrators for consistently achieving this recognition over many years, demonstrating their commitment to academic excellence in all of our high schools. In addition…

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Fifteen of 18 schools within Rockdale County Public Schools (RCPS) made the list of Georgia schools that “beat the odds” in 2016.  These schools performed better than statistically expected on the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI). The CCRPI is Georgia’s accountability system that measures schools and school districts on a 100-point scale, based on multiple measures. The Georgia Department of Education’s “Beating the Odds” analysis predicts a range within which a school’s CCRPI score is statistically expected to fall given the school’s size, grade cluster, student mobility, and student demographics (including race/ethnicity, disability, English learners, and poverty). If…

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Five students invested in community service in Rockdale County are finalists for the Rockdale Coalition for Children and Families’ 2017 John K. Morgan Scholarship. This is the seventh year the Rockdale Coalition has offered the $4,000 scholarship for a student who has demonstrated outstanding community service in Rockdale County and plans to continue that level of commitment while pursuing post-secondary education. The scholarship is named for John K. Morgan, former president and chief executive officer of Acuity Brands Lighting and community advocate. Since the inception of the scholarship, more than $39,500 has been awarded to deserving students in Rockdale County.…

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Georgia Piedmont Technical College (GPTC) is on the cutting edge of preparing students for high-demand jobs in the state of Georgia, GPTC President Jabari Simama said during his State of the College Address. “As we come together for the 2017 State of the College Address, I am pleased to announce the state of our college is exceptional,” said Simama. “Our student body today looks very much like the workforce of tomorrow. Our college is providing a pipeline of skilled graduates who are well-prepared for high-demand career fields.” Simama delivered his address to leaders from business and industry, as well as…

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DeKalb County Public Library is one of 75 recipients in the nation to receive a grant from the American Library Association (ALA) for a book club program for at-risk young people. The reading and discussion program, called the Great Stories Club, will focus on teen violence and suicide. The first program will be held on Saturday, March 25, at the DeKalb County Board of Health. The library is partnering with the DeKalb County Office of Youth Services to conduct the book club. The Office of Youth Services works to help at-risk children in DeKalb and has selected 25 teen girls…

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