Author: On Common Ground News

Public safety and code enforcement are the focus of an upcoming summit during which DeKalb residents can meet various government representatives and learn about services that can improve their neighborhoods and quality of life. “Working Together for a Cleaner and Safer DeKalb” is the theme of DeKalb County’s seventh annual neighborhood summit which will be held Saturday, July 9, 9 a.m. to noon, at Greater Travelers Rest Church—House of Hope, 4650 Flat Shoals Parkway, Decatur “This summit will give residents the information they need to partner with their government to improve their neighborhoods,” said DeKalb County Interim CEO Lee May.…

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As part of a national partnership, the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Lambda Epsilon Omega Chapter participated in a community service event on June 20 at the Yellow Brick House nursing home in Lithonia. “The Longest Day” is one of the organization’s signature events to raise funds and awareness for the Alzheimer’s Association, which provides research and support for families facing the disease. Held annually on the summer solstice, teams across the globe create their own projects to fundraise and honor those impacted by Alzheimer’s disease. The sunrise-to-sunset duration of the event symbolizes the arduous journey of both those living…

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The Fulton County Department of Housing and Community Development is soliciting project proposals for Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds.  Funding is available for activities that primarily benefit low- and moderate-income residents of Fulton County. The funds are divided into the following categories: Up to 60% for Shelter activities and 40% to Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing activities. Eligible applicants must have both capacity and previous experience in the successful delivery of services that follow the ESG guidelines. Available funds are designated solely for eligible activities that result in improving access to quality housing and supportive services for individuals and families…

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The Council for Community Enrichment in conjunction with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Tau Pi Omega Chapter held its annual scholarship awards reception at DeKalb Medical Center’s Keeton Auditorium on June 3. Nine high school graduates from across metro Atlanta were honored for their outstanding academic achievement, leadership and selfless acts of community service. In addition to the $9,000 in scholarships awarded, each student was given a “survival kit” to assist them as they prepare for their college experience. Scholarships were presented to: Jonesboro High School Senior Class President Peace Olaniran, who will be attending the University of Georgia…

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The Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners has awarded a contract to Georgia Development Partners Inc., the lowest of five bidders at $1,563,631.87, to upgrade the intersection of Pleasant Hill Road at Club Drive. “These improvements are expected to make traffic in this area flow much more smoothly,” said District 1 Commissioner Jace Brooks. The intersection improvement will install triple left-turn lanes on Pleasant Hill Road northbound to replace the existing dual left-turn lanes. In addition, eastbound dual right lanes will be installed at Club Drive to replace the existing single right-turn lane. The project is funded by the 2014 SPLOST.…

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Gov. Nathan Deal, joined by State Road & Tollway Authority (SRTA) Executive Director Chris Tomlinson, announced 11 transit projects that will receive a total of $75 million in state funding through the GO! Transit Capital Program. The program, created and administered by SRTA, aims to address capital-related public transportation needs throughout the state. “These 11 projects represent major milestones in transportation infrastructure and demonstrate our commitment to improving mobility in every corner of the state,” said Deal. “Once completed, these projects will address traffic congestion and support economic development through increased access to jobs. I want to thank SRTA board members,…

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The Fulton/DeKalb Family Life Center will host a town hall meeting on June 30, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the South Precinct, 2842 H.F. Shepherd Drive, Decatur. Organizers say the meeting will focus on “Accepting our responsibility in making our communities a safe and decent place to live.” South DeKalb citizens are encouraged to attend and participate in this important dialogue. For information, call Wendell Muhammad at 404-438- 2206.

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DeKalb County Superior Court Clerk Debra DeBerry and Tyler Technologies are hosting another free eFile CLE lunch and learn training session on Friday, July 8, 11 a.m., in the Jury Assembly Room on the first floor of the DeKalb County Courthouse located at 556 N. McDonough Street, Decatur. This training workshop is highly recommended for any attorney and their staff who file documents in DeKalb County Clerk’s Office. “We are excited to begin the implementation of our new case management system, Odyssey; this has long been a goal for me that our county utilize and benefit from the best,” said…

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David Manuel, founder of the “I Am A Father 5K” benefit event in DeKalb County, says the walk/run was a huge success, drawing more than 600 participants on June 18, Father’s Day weekend. Last year, 86 participants supported the inaugural 5K walk/run, said Manuel, who was overjoyed by this year’s turnout. The event kicked off and ended at the Porter Sanford Performing Arts Center in Decatur, where Manuel serves as executive director. Various vendors provided checkups, information and activities. Proceeds from the walk/run assisted the 100 Black Men of DeKalb County’s Leadership Academy and the Hank Stewart Foundation. Both organizations…

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Atlanta’s Congressman John Lewis is leading a sit-in today at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., to demand that Republicans move on gun control legislation. The unusual demonstration of civil disobedience was captured live on Periscope around 1:30 p.m. Congressman Hank Johnson was among the 70 Democrats who participated in the sit-in. “I’m on the House floor now holding a sit-in with John Lewis & my colleagues until we get a vote on legislation to curb gun violence,” Johnson said in a Facebook post. The Orlando massacre is renewing the debate over gun control legislation. Democrats say they want Republicans to…

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