Author: On Common Ground News
The Stonecrest City Council will hold its work session on Wednesday, Feb. 7, 10 a.m., at City Hall, 3120 Stonecrest Blvd. The council’s regular voting meeting will be held on Monday, Feb. 19, 6 p.m., at City Hall.
Stonecrest City Councilman Jimmy Clanton will host the District 1 community meeting on Feb. 10, 10 a.m., at Fairfield Baptist Church, 6133 Redan Road. Clanton will share updates about the city and other pertinent information about the community at large.
The Flat Shoals Library, 4022 Flat Shoals Parkway, Decatur. will host a presentation, “Cryptocurrency: Digital Currency Pros and Cons,” Feb. 7, 14, 21 and 28, 6 to 8 p.m. Cryptocurrency is digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. Cryptocurrency is difficult to counterfeit because of this security feature. Learn the pros and cons of using cryptocurrency, how to have an e-commerce business, how to promote the use of cryptocurrency in the marketplace and the For more information: 404.244.4370.
Rockdale County Public Schools (RCPS) is offering a free series of SAT preparation workshops on Feb. 10, Feb. 24 and March 3, 8 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at Rockdale Career Academy, 1064 Culpepper Drive, Conyers. Students are asked to bring their school-issued laptop. Students will rotate through three classes: Reading Comprehension, Geometry Review, and Algebra Review. There is no cost for this workshop. However, spaces are limited, so be sure to sign up soon. Register at or
Gregory B. Levett & Sons Funeral Homes is presenting a series of free workshops at its Conyers and Lawrenceville chapels to help you live your best life. This week’s class, “Help I’m In Debt!,” will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 6, 7 p.m., at the Rockdale Chapel, 1999 Highway 138 SE, Conyers. For more information, call 770-285-6673. To view the full series, visit On Common Ground News at
NOTICE OF SPECIAL CALLED MEETING CITY OF STONECREST There will be a Special Called Meeting on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. for the following items: 1. Ratify Agreement with Stantec for Pavement Analysis 2. Swear in Building and Development Staff 3. Second (2nd) Read and Adoption of City Communications Policy Work Session will follow immediately. The meeting will be held at the Stonecrest City Hall, 3120 Stonecrest Blvd. Stonecrest, Georgia.
Dijanelle Fowler, the 25-year-old mother who left her 13-month-old daughter in a car for six hours during a hair appointment, plead guilty on Jan. 31 and will serve 15 years for the child’s death. DeKalb County District Attorney Sherry Boston said Fowler entered a non-negotiated guilty plea to charges of murder in the second degree, cruelty to children in the second degree, and concealing the death in connection with the death of her daughter, Skylar Fowler. DeKalb County Superior Court Judge Linda Hunter, who presided over the case, sentenced Fowler to 20 years to serve 15 years in prison with…
Salem Middle School’s Mighty Lions Symphonic Band will make history in March by becoming the first middle school band from the city of Stonecrest to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York City. The band is seeking to raise $80,000 to help pay for transportation, lodging, concert attire, and meals for the five-day trip for nearly 60 students and a dozen chaperones. Alicia Scurry, who is the parent of an eighth-grade clarinet player at Salem Middle, said she is ecstatic about the opportunity for the band to play at Carnegie Hall. “I’m extremely proud of all of them. They are…
Rockdale County has once again achieved certification as a Green Community, advancing to the Silver level, after first certifying two years ago. The Atlanta Regional Commission’s Green Communities program is a voluntary certification program that helps local governments implement measures that will reduce their environmental impact. It recognizes their commitment to environmental stewardship and their leadership in sustainability practices. All winners earned certification points for sustainable measures implemented in their communities. Some measures that earned Rockdale certification points include: Creating and implementing an ENERGY STAR strategy for the future, and actively advertising its status as an ENERGY STAR partner to…
Stonecrest Mayor Jason Lary and city staff members met with developer Vaughn Irons and the Atlanta Sports City staff on Jan. 31 to begin plans for the construction of the first athletic fields for the sports complex project at Stonecrest. Irons and Chris Daniluk, CEO of Deluxe Athletics, will be applying for permits to build six multipurpose fields and three baseball fields on Mall Parkway. The multipurpose athletic fields can be used for sports ranging from soccer to lacrosse. Construction of the turf fields will begin around March 15, with a targeted completion by the end of June. “We already…