ROCKDALE COUNTY, GA– The Rockdale County Board of Elections and Registration is seeking a new at-large board member who will also serve as its board chair.
The deadline to apply is Wednesday, July 28, 2021.
The board is comprised of three members with two partisan members from each political party who then appoint a third at-large member. The newly-selected at-large board member will serve a two-year term ending June 30, 2023.
Board member responsibilities include the oversight of county elections, discussion of and decisions pertaining to election policies, and ongoing communication with the public.
Board members are not involved in the day-to-day operations of the Elections Office or in administrative decisions. Georgia Election Code 21-2-70 provides for the powers and duties of the Board of Elections and Registration.
Applicants must be a registered voter and resident of Rockdale County, not hold or be a candidate for any elected office in any level of government during their board term and be available to attend regular monthly board meetings.
Additional criteria requires that applicants do not serve as a treasurer or campaign manager for any candidate seeking elected office or have an affiliation with or hold any level of office with any political party.
Application packets are available on the Board of Elections and Voter Registration web page or in person at the Board of Elections and Voter Registration Office, 1261 Commercial Drive SW Suite B Conyers, GA 30094.
To complete an application online for the board seat, visit www.rockdalecountyga.gov and look for the link on the “Board of Elections & Voter Registration” page under the County Departments menu.
For more information, contact Rockdale Elections Director Cynthia Willingham at 770-278-7333 or cynthia.willingham@rockdalecountyga.gov.