DEKALB COUNTY, GA –DeKalb County School District Superintendent Devon Q. Horton will deliver his State of the District Address on Thursday, March 27, 5:30 p.m., at the Innovative Fernbank Science Center, 156 Heaton Drive in Atlanta.The event will conclude at 8 p.m.
This year’s theme, “SoaringTogether: New Levels, New Heights,” celebrates DCSD’s recent achievements, examines the challenges ahead,and charts a bold new course for the District’s future, according to a news release.
The superintendent will provide a detailed update on the District’s future, including evidence-based strategies and initiatives to promote academic, social,
and emotional success for all students. Hudson will be joined by the DeKalb County School Board members and district leaders, community leaders and business partners, elected officials, DeKalb Schools Educational Foundation Board members,