Rob and Vickie B. Turner will host their first meeting of the New Year for the DeKalb Cultural Exchange breakfast on Jan. 12, 9 a.m., at the campus of the Greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church(House of Hope), 4650 Flat Shoals Parkway, Decatur. Rob Turner serves on the Stonecrest City Council and Vickie Turner serves on the DeKalb County School Board.
“We are hosting our first prayer breakfast,” the couple said in a news release. “Given the culture and the climate of our nation, our state and our county, we felt it appropriate to convene our faith-based leaders along with the community for a time of prayer.”
The Turners said prayers will be offered for our nation; state government and officials; county government and staff; the Board of Education, administration and staff; parents and children; and our churches.
The community is invited to attend. The breakfast is free. Please RSVP at Email: thedekalbexchange@gmail.com or call 678-861-8199.