DEKALB, GA –The DeKalb-Peachtree Airport Advisory Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 10, 6 p.m., 2000 Airport Rd., Room 227, Atlanta.
The public can attend the meeting virtually at or via phone by calling 602-333-0032 and using the conference code 482992.
The meeting agenda follow
- Approval of February 2025 meeting minutes
- Information/Old Business
- Director’s Report – Hunter Hines
- LED Airfield Project
- Rules and Regulations
- Consent to Assignment to CDH Aviation, LLC by PDK, LLC, DeKalb County Contract No. 16-903064, Lease Agreement with PDK, LLC for North Terminal Lease Area Tract N-4, 2007 Flightway Drive.
- PDK, LLC is assigning and transferring all of its rights, title and interests in and to the Lease to CDH Aviation, LLC. The Consent to Assignment is in accordance with Section 19, Sale, Assignment, Transfer and Subletting, of the Lease Agreement.
- Lease Agreement with Hermeus Corporation for 25,600 square feet of undeveloped ground.
- The purpose of this Lease is to permit the Lessee to use the leased premises for a temporary set up of a facility of interior space to be used for the manufacturing (meaning assembly for the purposes of testing) and testing of jet engines, engine and subsystem components, and ground support equipment, and general, administrative, and office use.
- This is a renewal lease and commences on April 1, 2025.
- Noise Report will resume during April Meeting.
- Other
III. New Business
- Public Comments