DeKalb County Commissioners Kathie Gannon and Jeff Rader joined DeKalb Parks & Recreation and PATH officials to celebrate the unveiling of the South Peachtree Creek Trail at Mason Park on June 24. The new trail opened after a decade of planning and construction.
A cheering crowd braved the rain to show their support for the newest addition to PATH in DeKalb County. This new trail will enable faculty, students, and employees the ability to reach the Clifton Corridor via alternate means of transportation.
“Connectivity is the future, and by creating spaces to foster these connections, we are ensuring DeKalb will be a jewel of opportunity, and if we adopt a SPLOST, it can be used to build more trails and add sidewalks and expand the horizon toward making our DeKalb much more walkable and bike-able,” Gannon said.
Following the ribbon cutting, Gannon led a walk along the new trail, which spans approximately 2 miles and includes nature bridges and wild nature habitats such as beaver dams.