Stonecrest resident Idonia Hunter is the 2018 recipient of Keep DeKalb Beautiful’s Houston Award.
Hunter is the third recipient of the award, named after Cynthia Houston and given each year to a person that has shown an unyielding, lifelong commitment to promoting clean, attractive communities. Houston, who dedicates her time to Adopt-A-Road and Adopt-A MARTA bus stop projects, said her involvement stemmed from the belief that a person should take pride in where they live because it is a reflection of the type of person they are.
For nearly 30 years, Hunter, family members, and other volunteers have cleaned in the Flat Shoals Parkway, Rockland Road, and Evans Mill corridors.
This activity initially was to instill the values of community and protection of the environment, as well as a strong work ethic in her children. Today, this work has become a lifelong commitment to showing a sense of civic pride and clean environment for all to enjoy.
“Mrs. Hunter is a role model for DeKalb residents,” said Stonecrest District 5 Councilwoman Diane Adoma, who presented the award along with Keep DeKalb Beautiful Director Gordon Burkette. “Oftentimes, she can be found picking up trash in not just her community, but anywhere in Stonecrest. I can’t think of anyone who is more deserving of this award.”
For more information Keep DeKalb Beautiful and its upcoming events, contact Victoria Burgos, Keep DeKalb Beautiful at vrburgos@dekalbcountyga.gov,mailto:gaburkette@dekalbcountyga.gov visit keepdekalbbeautiful.org, or call 404-294-2010.