A team of neighborhood leaders from Atlanta, Clayton, DeKalb, Douglas, Fulton Gwinnett and Rockdale counties have been working with the Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership (ANDP) on strategies for strengthening neighborhoods slow to recover from the housing crisis.
ANDP and the team of leaders will present “Neighbors Together,” a day of training designed to empower and reignite hope in communities on Saturday, June 11, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at the Atlanta Metropolitan State College Conference Center, 1630 Metropolitan Parkway S.W., Atlanta.
“Neighbors Together” is part of Neighbor Works America Week 2016.
Nathaniel Smith, CEO of the Partnership for Southern Equity, will be the keynote speaker and will join national trainers with expertise in helping neighborhoods improve safety, build a stronger neighborhood brand, and foster inclusive communities where all are welcome.
To register or for more information, visit: http://www.andpi.org/nw/index.html.
The free event includes lunch, a T-shirt and reference materials.