At the recommendation of Governor Brian Kemp and at the directive of Rockdale County Public Schools (RCPS) Superintendent Dr. Terry Oatts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) in communities, RCPS will move to Independent Learning Days beginning Monday, March 16, 2020 for two weeks. Families should plan for schools and facilities to be closed the week of March 16th, the week of March 23rd, and potentially longer if needed. Friday, March 13, 2020 is a normal operational school day. Updated information will be posted atwww.rockdaleschools.org/COVID19
RCPS will implement Independent Learning with students using their school-issued laptops in grades 3-12. For students in Pre-K-2nd grades, at-home assignments will be posted on their school websites.
Superintendent Dr. Oatts said, “As we continue to actively monitor COVID-19 developments, I will always prioritize the safety and well-being of our staff, students, and families. After careful deliberation, I have determined that specific actions are required to avert potential exposure to COVID-19. I take these actions after extensive consultation with my Executive Cabinet and the public health department.”
This extends the measures RCPS took earlier today to cancel or postpone events and activities. The district and schools will communicate additional information to families as needed. Please continue to check www.rockdaleschools.org/COVID19 for updated information.