This serves as a notice of a Special Called Meeting on February 7th, 2021 @4pm with the following agenda/notice attached. The public can access the live stream of the meeting at Facebook Live, Rob Turner for Councilman.
Special Called Meeting Agenda
1. 2nd read and adoption of the proposed gas station moratorium
2. Approve the updated Purchasing Policy and designate a Purchasing Agent
3. Investigative inquiry and action related to the program administration of the CARES Act Relief Fund
4. Stonecrest Convention and Visitors Bureau
5. Stonecrest Development Authority
6. Contract Management
7. Contract Amendment
8. Legal Services-Assistant City Attorney and such other assistant and special city attorney
9. Request to immediately receive recommendation for award of external audit firm for purchasing card audit
10. Resolution on ending virtual meetings
11. Hire independent legal representation for city councilmembers
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