By Ruth A. Wilson
Clerk of Courts
By law, we, in the Clerk of Courts Office, are not permitted to provide legal advice or referrals even though we are regularly asked to do so. We want to be as helpful as possible to the public we serve so we make a great effort to provide regular information on where legal assistance can be found. One great resource which is not well known is the Nancy Guinn (Conyers-Rockdale) Law Library.
In the coming months, we will expand services and support available to Self-Represented Litigants, also known as Pro Se Litigants, individuals who plan to represent themselves in court, i.e., without the assistance of an attorney. Expanded services will include:
- Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 12:30 – 3:30m., ONSITE ASSISTANCEwith Legal Research and review of forms to be submitted to the Rockdale Courts. Free Notary Service for documents to be filed in Rockdale Courts
- Saturday Workshopspresented by licensed attorneys on some of the most frequently asked topics such as:
- Saturday, Oct. 5, 10 a.m., LANDLORD / TENANT DISPUTES
- Saturday, Nov. 2, 10:30 a.m., WILLS and ESTATES
- Saturday, Nov. 23, 10:30 a.m., SIMPLE DIVORCE: UNCONTESTED / NO CHILDREN
Future workshops will be scheduled on topics such as
- Know Your Rights At A Traffic Stop
- Legitimation and Parental Rights
- Name Change
If you or your neighbors have specific topics you would like to see covered in a workshop or suggestions for additional services at the Conyers-Rockdale Law Library, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please call the Law Library Intern at 770-278-7903 for more assistance and information. The intern will not provide legal advice or referrals