Author: On Common Ground News

Conyers’ Police have captured fugitive Jarvas “Big Show” McElroy of Covington, who was wanted for a spree of commercial burglaries in metro Atlanta. The 34-year-old “Big Show,” so nicknamed because of his 6’9” stature, had eluded law enforcement officials until his encounter with Conyers Police on July 7. Sgt. Travis Smith was patrolling high-risk burglary locations when he saw a man in dark clothing duck behind the 76 Foodmart at 1256 Green Street.  The man ran into the woods and Sgt. Smith called for additional units to establish a perimeter.  An intensive search began at 4 a.m. but was…

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The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Fugitive Unit has arrested 19-year-old Darnell Thompson of Decatur, considered a second suspect in the June 9 shooting death of Darin Thurman. Deputies arrested Iran King, 19, of Decatur on July 3. According to warrants issued, Thurman was shot several times as he sat in the driver’s seat of a vehicle on Glenwood Road in Decatur. Witnesses say King knocked on the vehicle window, pointed a gun at the victim, spoke to him and opened fire.  Another witness observed the suspect removing items from the victim’s vehicle after the shooting stopped.  Warrants allege that a handgun,…

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The Mayor and City Council for the City of Stonecrest will hold public hearings on the following: Adoption of Procedures for Zoning Hearings Chapter 27- Zoning Ordinance Chapter 21- Sign Ordinance The Official Zoning Map of the City of Stonecrest The Comprehensive Plan Time & Location: The July 31, 2017 public hearing will be held at a Special Called Meeting of the City Council at 10:00am and the August 7, 2017 public hearing at the City Council Meeting at 10:00am. The location for both public hearings is the Stonecrest Library, 3120 Klondike Road, Lithonia, Georgia 30038.

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CITY OF STONECREST, GEORGIA Honorable Mayor Jason Lary, Sr. Council Member Jimmy Clanton, Jr. – District 1         Council Member Rob Turner- District 2 Council Member Jazzmin Cobble – District 3          Council Member George Turner- District 4 Council Member Diane Adoma – District 5 WORK SESSION MEETING AGENDA July 17, 2017 10 a.m. Stonecrest Library 3123 Klondike Road, Lithonia, Georgia I. CALL TO ORDER:   Mayor Jason Lary II. ROLL CALL: Brenda James, Interim City Clerk III. INVOCATION: IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE V. PUBLIC COMMENTS VI. MINUTES: Approval of Minutes of the July 5, 2017 City Council Meeting VII. ADOPTION OF THE…

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The DeKalb County Police Department has reopened its investigation into Officer P.J. Larscheid’s use of force following the release of a video that shows him repeatedly striking a woman with his baton during arrest. The June 4 video is new evidence that surfaced over the weekend, said DeKalb Police spokeswoman Shiera Campbell. The one-minute, 39-second video shows Larscheid beating 38-year-old Katie McCrary as he held her on the floor inside a Chevron gas station on Glenwood Road in South DeKalb County. McCrary was suspected of solicitation. Larscheid stated in his incident report that McCrary told him she was a federal…

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Georgia Supreme Court Justice Michael P. Boggs will be the guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Conyers luncheon Thursday, July 20, at Conyers First United Methodist Church, 921 North Main St., N.W. Justice Boggs will discuss Georgia criminal justice reform and the public schools. Justice Boggs has been the co-chair of the Criminal Justice Reform Council since 2013 by appointment of Gov. Nathan Deal. Prior to that, he served as a member of the initial Criminal Justice Reform Council for Georgians 2011-2012 as an appointee of the Chief Justice. He is a powerful speaker on the topic of the…

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DeKalb County Sanitation Division will host “Amnesty Day,” an opportunity for DeKalb County residents to dispose of items such as furniture and construction and demolition materials without charge. The free event will be held on Saturday, July 29, from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., at the Seminole Road Landfill, 4203 Clevemont Road, Ellenwood. During “Amnesty Day,” a part of the Operation Clean Sweep initiative, special collection items such as tires, yard trimmings, bagged garbage and appliances can be disposed at the landfill. No hazardous materials will be accepted. The event is open to DeKalb County residents and proof of residency…

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Rockdale Medical Center’s upcoming diabetes education and support group will feature guest speakers Lisa and Roger Campbell, participants on the new Discovery Life reality show, “REVERSED.” The meeting will be held ion July 25, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., at Rockdale Medical Center, Classroom 2, located in the East Tower. The diabetes support group meets the fourth Tuesday of each month from 10 to 11:30 a.m. For more information or to speak with a Certified Diabetes Educator, please call 770-918-3410.  

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The newly-formed City of Stonecrest marked a milestone on Monday. Officials opened its City Hall in a temporary suite at the Strayer University building, located at 3120 Stonecrest Center. The temporary City Hall will be located on the first floor of the building adjacent to the where the new City Hall will be built out in a 12,500-square-foot space. The city is accepting applications for business licenses and renewals, alcohol permits, and will soon offer code enforcement, planning and zoning, parks and recreation, and economic development. “It’s been four years coming and now we are glad to have a…

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The City of Decatur Public Facilities Authority was awarded an $11,452,000 Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) loan by the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) executive committee. The loan will finance the acquisition of 22.08 acres of land as part of the United Methodist Children’s Home land purchase of 77 total acres. This project will permanently protect the land for the purpose of conservation and public recreation. The city will pay 1.70 percent interest on the 30-year loan. The loan will finance an eligible conservation project, which qualifies for a reduced interest rate. “GEFA’s loan programs assist local governments…

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