Rockdale Constitutional Corner

ByClerk of Courts
The Rockdale Clerk of Courts Office Real Estate Division has a new state-of-the-art tool to make the job of land surveyors much easier. Now, surveyors can print previously illegible plats 16 times larger than in the past, thanks to the new large format printer / plotter.
A “plat” is a plan, map, or chart of a piece of land with actual or proposed features (such as lots) and also the land represented, especially as used in construction site mapping. A plat map includes a description of the land and everything on it, including roads, boundaries, and real property.
Surveyors need documents that are printed to the proper engineering scale. Now, they can print to the original size of the scanned document: ANSI C (17 x 22”), ANSI D (22 x 34”) and ANSI E (34 x 44”). One of the first users was local surveyor Mark Lincoln, president of Lincoln Surveying, who says the plotter will be of value to real estate attorneys and title examiners. According to Lincoln, this is a service not available in all counties and is highly appreciated by the land records user community.
The public may also find it beneficial to have an easily readable copy of their own property plat. The price to print on the plotter varies by size, but will always be much less than commercial print shops. Through the use of innovative technologies, the Clerk of Courts Office continues Preserving the Past While Preparing For the Future.
The Real Estate Division is located on the first floor of the courthouse. For more information, please call Amanda Hunter, Real Estate Division Manager, at 770-278-7864.