The New Year is here and Gregory B. Levett & Sons Funeral Homes is presenting a series of free workshops at its Conyers and Lawrenceville chapels to help you live your best life.
The long-time family-owned business has partnered with healthcare professionals, financial planners, law professionals, grief counselors and others to discuss topics that impact everyday living. The Levett family rolled out the initiative during a weekend of free concerts it sponsored featuring jazz artist Kenny Lattimore at the Porter Sanford Performing Arts Center in Decatur, which is celebrating its 10-year anniversary with special events all year.
The Levett family said the concerts and the free workshops are their way of giving back to the community. As philanthropists, the Levetts have contributed to a number of causes and scholarships. The nationally-recognized funeral home has served many of Atlanta’s prominent families including Bishop Eddie Long and journalist Amanda Davis.
Kimberly Y. Culp, “The JOB Life Coach,” kicked off the family’s free educational workshop series on Jan. 9 in Conyers. Culp didn’t focus on jobs, as her title might suggest, however. JOB is the acronym she uses for “Just Operate Better,” something, she said, that we all should be concerned about mastering. Drawing from 11 years of experience in personnel and client crisis management for two large plaintive law firms in metro Atlanta, the motivational speaker uses real-world skills and solutions for coping. Culp’s seminar, “I Have Goals, Now What?” focused on helping participants create a blueprint to jumpstart and stay on track for 2018.
Gregory B. Levett, founder of Gregory B. Levett & Sons, said his daughter, Deana Levett, director of marketing, came up with the idea to offer the workshops as a way to fill a void.
“She saw families who had lost loved ones and didn’t know how to pick up the pieces and begin again. They didn’t know how to go about searching for a job, they weren’t taking care of their health and couldn’t get on track,” said Levett. “Deana wanted to expand the grief counseling that we provide into a host of workshops that addressed various needs.”
Deana Levett said it is really about helping people get on the right track.
“When we provided our grief counseling workshops, we asked people what was the source of their grief, what difficulties were they facing. We wanted to help them prepare and make sure they had things like their insurance policies updated and in place and providing professional help for consolidating debt. We found that many of them could not afford to pay a professional so we decided to provide the resources at no charge,” Deana Levett said.
The workshops are not only providing education, but helping many to heal, Levett pointed out as three women talked with one another after the workshop.
“Look, they’ve made friends,” Levett said. “They made a connection.”
Anyone may attend any of the free workshops. Registration is appreciated so that facilitators may plan accordingly. Here’s a calendar of when and where the upcoming workshops will be offered:
Rockdale Chapel
1999 Highway 138 SE, Conyers, GA 30013
(770) 285-6673
Workshop Series 2
Developing a Healthy Lifestyle
Tuesday, Jan. 23, 7 p.m.
Workshop Series 3
Help, I’m In Debt!
Tuesday, Feb. 6, 7 p.m.
Workshop Series 4
How To Invest Your Money
Tuesday, Feb. 20, 7 p.m.
Workshop Series 5
Facing The Loss Of A Loved One
Tuesday, March 6, 7 p.m.
Workshop Series 6
Entrepreneurship 101
Tuesday, March 20, 7 p.m.
Gwinnett Chapel
914 Scenic Highway, Lawrenceville, GA 30045
(770) 338-5558
Workshop Series 1
I Have Goals, Now What?
Tuesday, Jan. 16, 7 p.m.
Workshop Series 2
Developing a Healthy Lifestyle
Tuesday, Jan. 30, 7 p.m.
Workshop Series 3
Help, I’m In Debt!
Tuesday, Feb. 13, 7 p.m.
Workshop Series 4
How To Invest Your Money
Tuesday, Feb. 27, 7 p.m.
Workshop Series 5
Facing The Loss Of A Loved One
Tuesday, March 13, 7 p.m.
Workshop Series 6
Entrepreneurship 101
Tuesday, March 27, 2018 at 7 p.m.