Author: On Common Ground News
ATLANTA Atlanta History Center to host swanky costume party The Atlanta History Center is hosting “Party in Good Taste” on Friday, Sept. 23, 6:30 p.m., at the Atlanta History Center, 130 West Paces Ferry Road NW, Atlanta. This swanky affair gives after-hours access to Swan House’s temporary exhibit, Fashion in Good Taste, which explores Atlanta’s past through fashion from the 1920s through the 1960s. Mingle with costumed interpreters in historic Swan House, enjoy a complimentary cocktail and hors d’oeuvres and dance the night away with a special performance by Atlanta band Dot.s and DJ Double Nil. To celebrate Fashion in Good Taste,…
Seniors are encouraged to mark their calendars and attend the Senior Safety Day presented by AARP South DeKalb Chapter #5334. The free event will be held Saturday, Sept. 24, 1 to 4 p.m., at Holy Cross Episcopal Church, 2005 S. Columbia Place (corner McAfee Road). There will be displays and presentations on police and fire safety, emergency preparedness and home security. Experts also will be on hand to discuss financial scams, identity and medical identity theft restoration, avoiding legal, housing and emotional problems. Light refreshments will be served.
DeKalb Workforce Development (DWD), Safe Kids DeKalb County and Amerigroup are partnering to host a baby safety shower on Saturday, Sept. 17, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at DWD’s office located at 774 Jordan Lane, Bldg. 4, Decatur. Participants will learn about various topics such as car seat safety, poison prevention and household hazards, and will receive one-on-one career development and advisement from DWD and various partner agencies. The event also will feature prizes, games and refreshments. “This unique event shows how DeKalb County agencies can collaborate on projects and provide opportunities for citizen empowerment,” DeKalb Interim CEO Lee May…
The next meeting of the Rockdale County Parks and Recreation Commission will be held on Sept. 19, 5 p.m., at Johnson Park recreational facility, 1781 Ebenezer Road, Conyers. This meeting is open to the public.
Join the Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources on Saturday, Sept. 17, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., for its first annual Yellow River Trash Bash. The event will consist of a land, shore, and river cleanup, and it is open to all ages. The first 100 participants will receive a free inaugural T-shirt. Here are some things to remember before you come: Wear long pants and closed-toe-shoes. Waivers will be available on the day of the event. Experienced kayakers and canoers are welcome, but pre-registration is required. A celebration bash will take place after the event at Yellow River Park. For more…
Need a job? Haven’t interviewed in years? The Nancy Guinn Memorial Library in Conyers is hosting a seminar to prepare you for your job search. The seminar will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 20, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., to help you update your skills. Learn about communication and interview etiquette, resume tips, pre-interview steps, presentation style, and how to answer those tricky interview questions. The seminar will be presented by P&A Training Solutions in the lower level library meeting room. Attend this seminar and earn an Early Entry Certificate for the job fair, which will be held at the library…
Registration is open for 2016 Fall Intersession Enrichment Camps now until Sept. 23 for any student in Rockdale County, grades 2-8. Whether your child is an artist, tech maven, dancer or future star there’s something for everyone. The camps run Oct. 3-6, 7:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m., during Rockdale County Public Schools’ Fall Intersession, which runs Oct. 3-7. The camps will be held at Rockdale Career Academy, 1064 Culpepper Road, Conyers. Parents must register and pay the $50 camp fee by Sept. 23, at the RCPS Office of Teaching and Learning, 1143 West Ave., Conyers, during office hours of 8…
The Rockdale-Newton League of Women Voters will host a political forum on Thursday, Oct 13, 6 to 10 p.m,, at the Rockdale Auditorium, 909 North Main Street, Conyers. We are inviting all qualified candidates, state and local, with opposition in the Nov. 8 election. For more information, call Allene Eatman at 678 413-9520.
In observance of National Voter Registration Day, MARTA will host organizations that will be conducting voter registration activities on Tuesday, Sept. 27, at the Five Points Station. Registration activities will take place from 9 a.m. to noon and from 3 to 7 p.m. Space is limited and will be allotted to organizations on a first-come, first-serve basis. In order to participate in this non-partisan event, interested organizations must register in advance. Approved organizations will also be allowed to register voters at MARTA’s end-of-line stations: College Park, Doraville, H. E. Holmes, Kensington and North Springs. Voter registration activities must not interfere with MARTA customers entering and exiting the…
The General Election will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 8 at all polling locations in Gwinnett County. The deadline to register to vote and be eligible to cast a ballot in the election is Tuesday, Oct. 11. There are several opportunities to vote before the election date, so take note of the dates below: Advance Voting (Main Office): Oct. 17 – 28: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Oct. 31 – Nov. 4: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Saturday Voting (Main Office): Oct. 22: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Oct. 29: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Satellite Voting:…