DeKalb County Solicitor-General Donna Coleman-Stribling invites DeKalb County high school juniors and seniors to enter the 2018 Stop Teen Dating Violence Public Service Announcement (PSA) contest. Coleman, in partnership with Cinderella’s Gowns, Men’s Wearhouse of Stonecrest, and Lynette Clove, an independent sales director for Mary Kay, plan to give away a prom package to the winner.
With February being recognized as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, Stribling is encouraging DeKalb teens to promote healthy dating practices that prevent dating violence by producing a one-minute PSA. The student who creates the most impactful PSA will win a prom prize package, which includes:
- Dinner for two
- Makeup artist services provided by Mary Kay
- Attire for the winner and their date from Cinderella’s Gowns and The Men’s Wearhouse of Stonecrest
“Unhealthy relationships can start early and last a lifetime. Approximately 7 percent of women and 4 percent of men who experienced rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner first experienced some form of partner violence by that same partner before turning 18,” said Coleman-Stribling. “Teens often brush off certain behaviors, such as teasing and name-calling as a ‘normal’ characteristic of a relationship. While it may seem small, this behavior can lead to more serious consequences and it is our responsibility as a community to teach them better.”
The Solicitor-General’s Office began The Stop Teen Dating Violence Public Service Announcement Contest in 2017 and saw an overwhelming response from local teens interested in participating.
“Our Stop Teen Dating Violence PSA Contest, gives teens an opportunity to not only showcase their creative ability, but to also display their understanding of what it means to cultivate healthy relationships. We are eager to see how they choose to highlight positive characteristics of a healthy relationship,” said Coleman-Stribling.
The winning video will air on local broadcast stations and will be distributed to schools throughout DeKalb to play at each prom. Students can upload their entries through March 1: www.dekalbsolicitorgeneral.org.
The Office of the DeKalb Solicitor-General encourages any teen who is aware of or experiencing teen dating violence to contact www.loveisrespect.org, call the Hotline at 1-866-331-9474 or text “LOVEIS” to 22522 for assistance.